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Large Event Tent Production
General Sessions

Large event tent rental agency

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1 Glenlake Pkwy NE #700

Atlanta, GA 3032

Las Vegas

7586 Gossamer Wind St

Las Vegas, NV 89139


A luxury hospitality experience was created for the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL, providing 24/7 amenities for attendees, lobbyists, legislators, and law enforcement personnel. With an active railyard as the location, the project overcame significant logistical, regulatory, and security challenges. The result was a hospitality oasis featuring luxury and historic railcars. Key elements included sophisticated infrastructure, safety, and traffic flow planning. The event ran smoothly over 17 days, welcoming thousands of visitors and delivering exceptional service and positive public relations for CSX.


CSX wanted to create a premium hospitality experience for key attendees and law enforcement at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa. The chosen location, an active railyard near the Convention, presented unique logistics, security and regulatory challenges to overcome.

CSX desired to provide a luxury hospitality experience for customers, lobbyists, and legislators attending the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL. Furthermore, CSX would provide 24/7 amenities to the thousands of law enforcement personnel associated with the event. The location was required to be at or within walking distance of the Convention, however, the only available space was an active open CSX railyard in close proximity. There were severe logistical challenges as well as complex regulatory and security requirements associated with the use of this location.


A “hospitality” oasis within the active railyard utilizing luxury and historic railcars that could accommodate thousands of daily visitors.

Project execution included:

  • Sophisticated infrastructure development – power, water, tenting, flooring, walkways, signage, fencing, and other.
  • Effectively addressed all fire, building, electrical, permit, FEMA, ADA, and security requirements.
  • 17 days on site – six days set-up, six days of operation, and five days breakdown.
  • Precise traffic flow plan to ensure safety (this was an active railyard), operational efficiency, and exceptional guest experience.
Service components
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Six days of positive public relations with thousands of influential attendees and law enforcement who could conveniently access CSX hospitality and return to the convention in a timely manner.

Press response

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CSX desired to provide a luxury hospitality experience for customers, lobbyists, and legislators attending the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL. Furthermore, CSX would provide 24/7 amenities to the thousands of law enforcement personnel associated with the event. The location was required to be at or within walking distance of the Convention, however, the only available space was an active open CSX railyard in close proximity. There were severe logistical challenges as well as complex regulatory and security requirements associated with the use of this location.

A “hospitality” oasis within the active railyard utilizing luxury and historic railcars that could accommodate thousands of daily visitors.

Project execution included:

Sophisticated infrastructure development – power, water, tenting, flooring, walkways, signage, fencing, and other.
Effectively addressed all fire, building, electrical, permit, FEMA, ADA, and security requirements.
17 days on site – six days set-up, six days of operation, and five days breakdown.
Precise traffic flow plan to ensure safety (this was an active railyard), operational efficiency, and exceptional guest experience.

Six days of positive public relations with thousands of influential attendees and law enforcement who could conveniently access CSX hospitality and return to the convention in a timely manner.

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