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Celebrity event & production company

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1 Glenlake Pkwy NE #700

Atlanta, GA 3032

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7586 Gossamer Wind St

Las Vegas, NV 89139


Faced with tight deadlines and high expectations, the National Achievers Congress entrusted VOLO to produce their star-studded tour in Portland and Seattle. With over 11,000 attendees and speakers such as Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuk, VOLO handled every detail, delivering a flawless, unforgettable event on time and on budget.


Faced with logistical challenges and tight deadlines, National Achievers Congress enlisted VOLO to handle production, coordination, and technical requirements for the tour.

The National Achievers Congress promoters decided to bring their star-studded tour to Portland and Seattle for a two-day event attracting over 11,000 attendees. The event aims to help grow successful entrepreneurs around the world via world-class education and training. With increased ticket sales and sky-high expectations, the organizers had their work cut out for them. Not only that, but a combination of last-minute changes and difficulty in speaker and venue availability left the event representatives in a bind.

The team at National Achievers Congress decided to hire VOLO Events Agency as the event production company responsible for event production, coordination, logistics, as well as coordinating with the venue and celebrity technical requirements. VOLO was tasked with providing complete event production expertise and all technical components under strict time and budgetary constraints — a hand VOLO has been dealt dozens of times in the past.


VOLO delivered back-to-back events in two cities within two weeks, featuring Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuk. From venue logistics to cutting-edge 4K holograms, they executed every detail on time, on budget, and flawlessly.

Dealing with the complexities of back-to-back shows in multiple cities within a short two-week timeframe was no easy task. With extensive experience in event planning and production, VOLO was able to successfully produce high-profile speakers including Tony Robbins, Robert Herjavec, and a “special” appearance from Gary Vaynerchuk, to name a few. In addition, the team at VOLO was able to secure the venues and produce the entire event on time and on budget.

Project specifics included creating/changing design, budgeting, equipment staging, technical components including arena sound, lighting, cameras, live web streaming, 18′ x 32′ video projection, 4K resolution hologram via 90,000 lumens, labor crews, venue site inspections, CAD, and engineering. All of these tasks were, of course, nothing new to VOLO, a world-leading event management and production company.

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VOLO successfully hosted high-profile speakers, including Tony Robbins, Robert Herjavec, and a special appearance by Gary Vaynerchuk.


The final result? The attendees were thrilled! The energy in the building was incredible and guests left the arena satisfied and inspired. As always, VOLO understood the task at hand and was able to help deliver a successful event, and more importantly, a world-class experience.

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The National Achievers Congress promoters decided to bring their star-studded tour to Portland and Seattle for a two-day event attracting over 11,000 attendees. The event aims to help grow successful entrepreneurs around the world via world-class education and training. With increased ticket sales and sky-high expectations, the organizers had their work cut out for them. Not only that, but a combination of last-minute changes and difficulty in speaker and venue availability left the event representatives in a bind.

The team at National Achievers Congress decided to hire VOLO Events Agency as the event production company responsible for event production, coordination, logistics, as well as coordinate with the venue and celebrity technical requirements. VOLO was tasked with providing complete event production expertise and all technical components under strict time and budgetary constraints — a hand VOLO has been dealt dozens of times in the past.

Dealing with the complexities of back-to-back shows in multiple cities within a short two week timeframe was no easy task. With extensive experience in event planning and production, VOLO was able to successfully produce high-profile speakers including: Tony Robbins, Robert Herjavec and a “special” appearance from Gary Vaynerchuk, to name a few. In addition, the team at VOLO was able to secure the venues and produce the entire event, on-time and on-budget.

Project specifics included: creating/changing design, budgeting, equipment staging, technical components including arena sound, lighting, cameras, live web streaming, 18′ x 32′ video projection, 4K resolution Hologram via 90,000 lumens, labor crews, venue site inspections, CAD and engineering. All of these tasks were of course nothing new to VOLO, a world leading event management and production company.

The final result? The attendees were thrilled! The energy in the building was incredible and guests left the arena satisfied and inspired. As always, VOLO understood the task at hand and was able to help deliver a successful event, and more importantly, a world-class experience.

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